This page contains the online materials (OLMs) complementing our book.
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Part I
Introduction: Darwinian ecology
OLM1.1 Deductive and inductive approaches to ecology
OLM1.2 The water-clock
Sources and treatment of complexity
OLM2.1 The state of the lion, and forecasting its behaviour
Part II
Exponential population growth
Exponential growth of unstructured populations
No OLM is planned.
Population structure and exponential growth
OLM4.1 Age or size classification for plants
OLM4.2 How do we calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors?
OLM4.3 Two age classes and a non- generic exception
OLM4.4 Sensitivity and elasticity
Ecological tolerance and the distribution of species
Part III
Regulation of population growth
Growth regulation, feedbacks, and their dynamical consequences
OLM6.1 Local density dependence
OLM6.2 Potential large- scale consequences of temperature- dependent Allee effect
OLM6.3 An example for revealing the mechanism of regulation
OLM6.4 Regulation of structured populations: an example
Competitive exclusion
OLM7.1 The equilibrium resource density in case of fluctuating growth rates
OLM7.2 Impact of alien species through shared parasites
Trade- offs and adaptations
OLM8.1 Growth-defence trade- off and its role in biological invasions
OLM8.2 Fitness in age- structured populations
OLM8.3 Relationship of protoplasm/ cell wall ratio and photosynthetic capacity
OLM8.4 Calculation of the optimal clutch size in the great tit population of Wytham Woods
OLM8.5 Density- dependent optimization: partial selection pressures for higher reproductive effort
Robust coexistence and population regulation
OLM9.1 K or r0?
OLM9.2 Coexistence of two E. coli strains on a mixture of two resources
OLM9.3 Tilman model: full analysis
OLM9.4 Regulation of plant populations by self- thinning
OLM9.5 The dynamical role of spatial constraints in competitive interactions
OLM9.6 The complex dynamics of Tribolium castaneum
OLM9.7 The chemostat model of the Chlorella– Rotifera system
OLM9.8 Simulated dynamics of simple food webs, based on Wollrab et al. 2012
OLM9.9 Application of the energy pathway method to modules of complex food webs
OLM9.10* Area of a parallelogram
Population regulation and the ecological niche
OLM 10.1 Discrete and continuous niche: the formal problem
OLM 10.2 The requirement/ impact niche concept of Leibold: similarities and differences
OLM 10.3 The Maculinea story
OLM 10.4 Historical reflections on the development of the niche concept
OLM 10.5 Niche segregations
OLM 10.6 An example for the calculation of niche overlap
OLM 10.7 Coexistence in fluctuating environments: relative nonlinearity and storage effect
Part IV
Finiteness and diversity
Stochasticity due to finiteness
OLM11.1 Predicting the variance increase due to drift
OLM11.2 Calculation of effective population size in fluctuating populations
OLM11.3 Genetic drift and inbreeding
OLM11.4 Spatial differentiation of populations and migration
OLM11.5 Species– abundance distribution under neutral dynamics
Diversity patterns and population regulation
OLM12.1 Comparison of species numbers in samples
OLM12.2 Relationship between species- and community- level variation of biomass
OLM12.3 Hysteresis in high productivity lakes
OLM12.4 Kelp forests and urchin barrens as alternative stable states